Monday, February 1, 2010

What kind of design blog would this be

if I didn’t say anything about the iPad? I guess I don’t have too much to add to what you’ve heard already, except to say that most reviewers—with the possible exception of the Times’ David Carr—have misunderstood the nature of Apple’s innovation behind the device. It’s actually this:

…the ability to appear as casual as most people actually are when using the internet.

Jobs doesn’t harp on this in his presentation (except to say that the iPad provides an “intimate” experience with the internet) in much the same way he didn’t dwell on the fact that the iPod’s earphones are white as well—as crucial as that is and ended up being. What he doesn’t say is that, barring some unforeseen issue with the device, the iPad is really the computer we’ve all been trying to use for the past ten to twelve years, that it doesn’t seem revolutionary because—like so much good design—it’s not actually new so much as seem like the way things should have always been.