Friday, September 11, 2009

A real part of me is serious.

Commute today was awful. Besides the pouring rain, I discovered it is not a good idea to hold your coffee in the same hand as you hold your umbrella, and try to get into a car. Also, when you then have to change pants, don’t lose your keys—you have nothing to gain by this. Actually this is all technically pre-commute, but really it counts because it’s part of my “mental commute” to work which may begin as soon as 6pm the previous day, depending on how bad a week it is. But the moral of the story is that I could have spilled twice as much coffee on myself and not changed the fact that it’s Friday.

Not sure if the previous should be the first entry in another blog, or if the minutae is ok. Don’t want to place too many filters on myself since, as Sagmeister has it Trying To Look Good Limits My Life, but I find if I’m not careful it’s easy to confuse nothing with sweet nothing.

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